Innovation is never an easy task, especially in a wine region celebrated for its traditions. That’s why the achievements of the the vignerons featured in this dinner are all the more remarkable.
By shifting their attention from commercial sweet wines to dry whites and indigenous red varieties that highlight these terroirs, they have successfully redefined what it means to make wine in Anjou today.
From legendary Mark Angeli of Ferme de la Sansonnière to the Mosse family’s domaine and the pioneering work of Domaine des Griottes, we explore the wine of some of Anjou’s most influential winemakers in recent years.
Join our founder Jonathan in the dining room La Cachette for an intimate dinner featuring exceptional old vintages and a special menu by our chef Seb Myers.
Please note that we cannot accommodate for dietaries during these dinners.
The Wines:
Mark Angeli La Lune 2003
Mosse Marie Besnard 2004
Mosse Les Bonnes Blanches 2004
Mark Angeli Les Vieilles Vignes des Blanderies 1999
Mosse Anjou Rouge 2004
Domaine des Griottes La Poivrière 2010 (in magnum)
Domaine des Griottes Caroline 2004
Mosse Coteaux du Layon Le Rouchefer 1999
Starting from this summer our opening times are changing. From Tuesday 1st August onwards, our restaurant will be open for dinner from Tuesday to Saturday, and for lunch on Saturday as usual.
Our last day open before the holidays is Saturday 5th August. We will be back as usual from Tuesday 15th August.