Sertaç Dirik

Sertaç Dirik

Last January, for our collaboration dinner, we were joined in the kitchen by Sertaç Dirik, former head chef of iconic Mangal 2 in Dalston, now about to embark on a new adventure, with the anticipated opening of his own restaurant.

Following a two-year stint at the now closed Michelin-starred 108 in Copenhagen, Sertaç returned to London with a vision to breathe new life into his family’s Turkish grill restaurant. With a modern play on traditional Turkish cuisine, Sertaç was able to firmly place Mangal 2 back on the map of London’s most exciting dinner destinations.

After the event, we sat down with Sertaç to talk about wine.

Here is the full interview.

Sertaç Dirik
Sertaç DirikSertaç Dirik

1. You're handed a wine list, what do you do?

I yell for the nearest adult. I’m inclined to leave the wine choosing to the experts and stay in my jurisdiction, I find that I’ll end up with something far more delicious that way.

2. How do you know the wine you're drinking is good?

I try and decipher the facial expression of the wine genius at the table and then match their response. Just kidding. If the texture and flavour complement the dish in front of me, I’m happy. I don’t pretend to know a tonne about wine, certain profiles excite me more than others but on the whole I’m an easy guest to satiate. Luckily, I have very talented friends who tend to point me in the right direction.

3. What is something fascinating you’ve been told over lunch?

“I don’t think you’re supposed to drink it like that”

4. In whose company do you most enjoy drinking wine?

My partner, Thayla. We know what we like, they’re both vastly different, but it just means we get to have a bottle of each.

Sertaç DirikSertaç Dirik

5. Can you describe your ideal combination of wine, music, and setting?

Something white and salty, listening to The Breeders or J Dilla at home.

6. What sort of food would you add to the equation?

A whole roasted chicken, goats cheese and some crusty bread

7. What is the most memorable bottle of wine you’ve drank?

Selena Mit, it was the first wine that I realised I actually enjoyed with food when I was around 20/21 years old

8. Where did you drink it?

The late Bodega 1900 in Barcelona

Sertaç DirikSertaç Dirik

9. Is there a characteristic you look for in a wine and in a friend?

Yeah - no arsehole in my wine, please.

10. What is your approach to drinking?

Not very often, but when it happens, pull no punches

11. Do you apply this approach in other aspects of life?

I guess so - though I try to believe that I don’t live in extremities, but come to think of it….

12. What shall we open next?

Whaddya got? I’m easy.

Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday: from 6pm
Saturday: from 12pm


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Starting from this summer our opening times are changing. From Tuesday 1st August onwards, our restaurant will be open for dinner from Tuesday to Saturday, and for lunch on Saturday as usual.

Summer Break

Our last day open before the holidays is Saturday 5th August. We will be back as usual from Tuesday 15th August.
